To: NEDIV Competitors and Workers
From: Greg Healey
I'd like to start by thanking all the workers that have come out to help us run the most popular Divisional Championship in the country. I believe we're the only division in the country that didn't run ANY club events concurrent with PRO events, and we still had an amazingly full and varied season. Couldn't have done it without the workers. Thanks again.
Listed are a few notable points for the season, followed by a questionnaire.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire, then return it to me so
your voice can be heard. Please put any additional comments on the back. There will
be a drawing for a RallySport shirt for everyone that fills out a questionnaire.
Work: 914-788-2966 - 6-3:30
Home: 845-246-0990 - Before 9pm please
E-mail: [email protected]
Click here for the Questionnaire